Mobile Application Developer

Mobile Application Developer

Mobile developers are those people who breathe life into soulless mobile boxes, some shaman-spellcasters who speak a foreign language and can do almost anything, and sometimes it really is. But they are also the people who move progress forward, creating more and more sophisticated and complex programs. A good programmer is not only knowledge of languages ​​and technologies, it is also the skills of systems thinking, since he has to create complex systems out of nothing, it is also the ability to work in a team, since it is difficult to write a serious project alone, it is also the ability to communicate and understand customer to create exactly the product he wants.

A mobile application developer, also known as a Mobile developer and Mobile programmer, is a programmer who develops software applications for all kinds of mobile devices, most often for smartphones and tablets. It is with the advent of voice and gesture interfaces on mobile devices that the profession of a mobile developer is now rightfully considered the most fashionable and in demand.

All mobile developers can be divided into two categories, depending on the software for which they create programs – iOS developers and Android developers. Specialists from the first category are considered the most profitable in the labor market, moreover, after the advent of the Swift and Objective-C languages, creating applications for Apple has become very easy and convenient. Programmers who create applications for Android use in their activities the Java language, which is considered the most reliable for developing mobile applications for this operating system.

If a couple of centuries ago in different parts of the world people were enveloped in the Gold Rush, now we can confidently say that the modern world is completely and completely absorbed by the mobile fever. Is there at least one person in your environment who does not use a smartphone? Hardly. The sale of smartphones is growing at lightning speed, and manufacturing companies are investing fabulous sums in mobile technologies, their development and popularization in the market. Mobile development is a very rapidly growing area of ​​programming, as the number of mobile devices significantly exceeds the number of personal computers, and this trend will only grow.

While Elon Musk continues to work on the colonization of Mars and the microchipping of the human brain, we continue to use mobile phones everywhere – at work, at school, at home, on vacation … The demand for mobile application developers is growing at the same rate, but unlike the front-end and back-end developers , the market is not yet saturated with mobile developers, so now is the time to start exploring this promising direction.

Let’s take a closer look at what is meant by the development of mobile applications and how relevant it is, who is a mobile application developer, what skills he needs to master, where to start learning and what tools are used to develop mobile applications. Also, we will tell you what stages this process consists of, what is the cost of developing applications for smartphones and how much it will pay off, we will figure out what is the salary of a mobile developer and how to make money on this for a beginner.